A clip shot by videographer Audrey Welborn and produced by The Schilling Show’s Rob Schilling has landed on the Drudge Report after the story broke on today’s edition of The Schilling Show, which airs on Newsradio 1070 WINA across Central Virginia.

The video, whose content also has been discussed nationally on Fox News’ Sean Hannity television program and Lars Larson’s radio show, features exclusive footage of Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello (Virginia, CD-05) lecturing a group of TEA Party constituents on the benefits of socialized health care. In the midst of his dissertation, Perriello stated bluntly, “If you don’t tie our hands, we will keep stealing.”

Numerous nationally influential blogs have picked up the story, including The HillMichelle Malkin, Real Clear Politics, Breitbart TV, Hot Air, Red State, and Fox Nation among others.

3/19/2010 8:11 PM Update: Now also being covered John Stossel (Fox Business) and World Net Daily.

The Schilling Show: Where the news is made, indeed!



  1. Thank you Mrs. Welborn for listening to that still small voice and being faithful to it. The background of the story has helped me look at this issue from a Christian perspective. None of what is happening is taking God by surprise. I have been reading Exodus for my morning devotions this week. Remember Pharoah? He would not let the people go. Why? “the Lord hardened Pharoah’s heart”. It’s a jump but maybe, just maybe Obama is a bit like Pharoah. Perhaps he is being used by God as part of the plan to show God’s people to be faithful despite the turmoil that is going on around them. Let’s face it, we in no way have it as hard as the Isrealites in Moses’ day. Keep it in perspective.

    I’ll date myself but remember the Chuck Colson sound bite from Steven Curtis Chapman’s CD in the early 90’s…”Where is the hope? The hope that each of us has is not in who governs us, what laws are passed, or what great things we do as a nation. Our hope is in the power of God working in the hearts of people. That’s where our hope is for this country, that’s where our hope is in life.”

    Listen to that still small voice and be faithful, that’s where our hope is! Peace everyone.

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