vandever150Charlottesville Democrats claim to have selected “new” party leadership for 2010, but boy does it smell stale.

Quasi-reformer Jennifer McKeever, who slightly loosed the reigns on Charlottesville Democrats’ ultra-exclusive elitist nomination process is out (along with silent partner and Van der linde Recycling lead persecuter, Jonathan Blank) only to be superseded by Charlottesville Central Party Democrat master manipulator, Tom “wake me when the meeting’s over” Vandever (and new silent partner Jim Nix).

Vandever’s working knowledge of Charlottesville Democrat machine politics runs deep, as do his close personal associations with establishment old-school Democrats, Francis Fife, Blake Caravati, John Conover, and Mary Ann Elwood among other Central Party stalwarts.

A former mayor of Charlottesville (1992-1994), Tom Vandever is better recalled for slumbering through City Council meetings than for any specific civic accomplishment.

Most recently, Vandever’s recurrent narcolepsy was spotlighted via his sleepwalking performance as manager of two embarrassingly foundering campaigns:

Democrat Julian “The Empty Fire Suit” Taliaffero’s 2009 City Council reelection bid,


Central Party Democrat Sheriff candidate Mike Baird’s 2009 attempt to secure his party’s nomination.

Following these high-profile electoral fiascoes, Vandever’s selection to the Charlottesville Democrats “top of the heap” leadership position demonstrates the astounding shallowness of The Party’s “bench” and a serious lack of interest from any new political faces in participating in the day-to-day operations of The Party.

And once again, the Charlottesville Corruption Crew’s announced administration team, rounded out by retread Vice-Chairman Sherry Kraft, is completely devoid of African American representation—this despite The Party’s disingenuous and obviously ineffective Diversity Initiative.

Perhaps the City’s black community has grown tired of the”system of patronage” instituted under the Frank Buck regime (wherein one, and only one black at a time is permitted to serve on Charlottesville City Council) and no longer wishes to remain indentured to the Charlottesville Democrats and their denigrating “plantation” politics.

After a brief flirtation with modern-day Camelot under McKeever’s enlightened tenure, Charlottesville Central Party Democrats’ selection of Tom Vandever as The Party’s next “Great Leader,” shows clearly that the new boss is indeed the same as the old boss.



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