
Thinking of voting for Democrat Kristin Szakos (aka the Moat Monster), in Charlottesville’s November 3, 2009 City Council election?

Well, think again, that is, if temperance and civility in governance matter to you. Like her red-headed comrade, Dave Norris, Szakos has a thin veneer of blithness and a mean-streak that runs a mile deep.

And, like Mayor Norris, she is “reckless” with her online correspondence, especially when she believes her audience to be limited.

Read the Councilor-in-waiting’s disturbing e-mail dialogue with a Charlottesville resident (and potential future constituent) for proof-positive that you better not “tug on Superwoman’s cape” and you don’t mess around with Kristin.

From: Frank XXXXXX <>

To: Kristin Szakos <>

Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 10:22:33 PM

Subject: Re: Something Important from Yesterday’s C’ville Farmers Market – FOLLOW UP

Ms. Szakos,

Interesting series of statements, especially when you state that “I believe Mr. Sxxxxx when he says the incident on his record involves an event in his youth with a slightly younger man.”

Well, what homework or background did you do Mr. Sxxxxx’s claim? Did you talk to victims? Of course I use the plural here because Mr. Sxxxxx has multiple sex offense convictions. A simple review of Mr. Sxxxxx’s Virginia State Police record would shed some very basic light on the situation. You used to be a journalist, right?? Let’s review those details: (link,

Mr. Sxxxxx is currently 38 years old;

Mr. Sxxxxx’s most recent sex offense conviction occurred in 1998—10 ½ years ago. Mt. Sxxxxx would have been 27 or 28 years old at the time. This conviction was for “Forcible sodomy” (Link: Which means the “complaining witness is less than 13 years of age” or something was done “against the will of the complaining witness”.

Mr. Sxxxxx’s first sex offense conviction occurred in 1995 (roughly three years before his second conviction). Mr. Sxxxxx would have been 24 or 25 years old at the time;

The statute that Mr. Sxxxxx was convicted of the first time around was § 18.2-370. “Taking indecent liberties with children” (Link: That statute is specifically geared towards children that are under the age of 15.

Let’s take another look at your “slightly younger man” statement. So, in your world it’s okay for a 24 or 25 year old man to have inappropriate contact with a 13 or 14 year old boy? Or worse, that a 27 or 28 year old man can have inappropriate contact with an 11 or 12 year old (or force someone to do something against their will)? That’s ridiculous, and shame on you for actually defending this concept.

Here’s the bottom line as I see it:

You can argue all you want “that all Americans have a right to participate in the political process, and that there is a place for everyone there.” I don’t particularly disagree with that statement (although it’s worth mentioning that Mr. Sxxxxx probably can’t vote in Virginia as a twice convicted felon). What I disagree with is where you (again you) choose to put Mr. Sxxxxx to “work” as a volunteer in the political process. There would have been any number of other positions more appropriate for Mr. Sxxxxx than the one you choose to put him in.

You said it yourself, “there is a place for everyone” and quite frankly Mr. Sxxxxx’s place should not have been a.) in a booth that was marketing some promotional items directly to children; and b.) right next to a booth that was solely geared towards children. You are a wife and a mother; you should have made a better decision.

You are running for City Council. If this is sample of the decisions you plan to make on behalf of this community, you should not have high hopes for your candidacy.



From: Frank XXXXXX <>

To: Kristin Szakos <>

Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 10:21:04 PM

Subject: Re: Something Important from Yesterday’s C’ville Farmers Market – FOLLOW UP

Ms. Szakos,

Well, don’t bend over backwards apologizing to the innocent potential constituent that you decided to throw under the bus.

What’s up with the “If” I am not the man you called you? You have the gall to, on the one hand, defend the rights of a pedophile, but on the other hand a completely innocent person is “guilty until proven innocent”. It’s an interesting world you live in. Why again should the people of Charlottesville want you are their City Council person??

Am I surprised that more than one person came to the same conclusion as I did? No, not really. It’s pretty much no brainer decision not to put a convicted pedophile a.) in a booth that is marketing some promotional items directly to children; and b.) right next to a booth that is solely geared towards children. However, you made a different and very poor decision.

So . . . I (begrudgingly) accept your (begrudging) apology.



From: Kristin Szakos <>

To: Frank XXXXXX <>

Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 7:28:09 AM

Subject: Re: Something Important from Yesterday’s C’ville Farmers Market – FOLLOW UP


As I told the person who did call me, I believe that all Americans have a right to participate in the political process, and that there is a place for everyone there.+ I believe Mr. Sxxxxx when he says the incident on his record involves an event in his youth with a slightly younger man, but even if I didn’t, I would defend his right to work for the candidate of his choice.+ We did not send him door-to-door canvassing, or put him in charge of child care, but rather made sure that his participation was in highly visible, supervised settings so there would be no possibility of trouble.

We live in a nation of laws, and under the law, Mr. Sxxxxx is free to live his life after completing whatever sentence and conditions the courts impose.+ He is limited as to where he works and lives.+ But the City Market is a public place open to all, and there is no law that prevents his presence there, or his participation in civic life.

I am running a campaign of inclusion because I believe that people who participate in the system feel a responsibility for it, and that enriches our community and makes it safer.+ That is why I am reaching out to low-income communities, working class families, and others who have not previously been invited to the table of community decision making.

– Kristin

From: Kristin Szakos <>

To: Frank XXXXXX <>


Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 7:17:20 AM

Subject: Re: Something Important from Yesterday’s C’ville Farmers Market – FOLLOW UP


If you are not the man who called me about this matter last year, I do apologize.+ It was a scary experience, and your arguments were exactly the same ones as the person who called me.

I accept your statement that it wasn’t you, and am cc-ing this to Mr. Longo as well.+ I will write you separately to respond to the issues in your original e-mail.

– Kristin Szakos

On Mar 23, 2009, at 6:14 AM, Frank XXXXXX wrote:

Ms. Szakos,

Just an FYI: I have NEVER spoken to you on the phone, ever. You have me confused with someone else, and I very much dispute your accusation.

For you to now threaten ME (and send a copy of this my e-mail to the Charlottesville Police Department) is entirely unacceptable. I seek an immediate apology from you. I have simply raised very valid point about an e-mail (only) discussion we had that summer (and e-mail was the only method by which I communicated with you).

However, it does not surprise that others were also upset by your decision, as the Obama campaign coordinator, to expose a to the children of this community to a convicted pedophile. Although I would never condone aggressive and threatening behavior made by anyone, you did make an extremely poor decision.

As someone running for the City Council, having to defend your past decisions is potentially part of the process. That is all I have asked you to do hear, but you have not done that, AND you have now made the situation worse by threatening an innocent potential constituent.

When will I receive my apology from you?



From: Kristin Szakos <>

To: Frank XXXXXX <>

Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 9:02:34 PM

Subject: Re: Something Important from Yesterday’s C’ville Farmers Market – FOLLOW UP


I don’t believe that you want to hear anything from me, but rather to tell me what you have to say, which I think I have already heard.

You were very aggressive and threatening the last time we spoke on the telephone, even after I listened to you for over 30 minutes, and you called me 12 more times that evening after I asked you to stop.+ I finally had to unplug my telephone.+ I am not interested in repeating that experience.+ If you call me, I will file a complaint with the police.+ Please do not contact me again.

– Kristin Szakos

bcc – Charlottesville Police Department

On Mar 22, 2009, at 8:15 PM, Frank XXXXXX wrote:

Ms. Szakos,

I have yet to hear anything back from you regarding my e-mail below. Are you planning on following up with me at all?



From: Frank XXXXXX <>

To: Kristin Szakos <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 11:21:39 AM

Subject: Re: Something Important from Yesterday’s C’ville Farmers Market – FOLLOW UP

Greetings Ms. Szakos,

I recently heard that you were running for the Charlottesville City Council. Since you are running for an office that may have great impact on+ Charlottesville as a whole, I think it is appropriate to revisit our discussion from last year (below). To recap that discussion:

I had noticed that one of the volunteers at the Obama campaign booth at the City Farmer’s Market was a convicted pedophile. Actually, more specifically, according to the Virginia State Police Sex Offender Registry (Link:, it appears as if this volunteer is a repeat sex offender. This person appears to have multiple convictions for sex offenses.

The Obama campaign booth at the City Farmer’s Market was located directly next to highly popular booths for children. A ballon artist and occasionally both a balloon artist and a face painter. In addition, some of the trinkets made available at the Obama campaign booth were items directly marketing children. If I recall correct among the things given away at the Obama campaign booth were bubble mix and perhaps balloons.

As the local coordinator for the Obama campaign, I contacted you to let you know what I had noticed. I honestly thought at the time that this might have been an over cite on the part of the local Obama campaign. Perhaps the management of the local Obama campaign was unaware of background of this person. My assumption had been at the time that once I alerted you to this situtaiton, you would correct the situation and utilize this volunteer in a more appropriate capacity (a phone bank volunteer perhaps).

However (as your e-mail below indicates), not only were you aware of this person’s background. You had absolutely no problem putting this convicted pedophile in a campaign booth that was a.) providing marketing materials directly geared towards children; and b.) directly next to booths geared specifically (and solely) to children.

To say that this was extremely poor judgment on your part is a bit of an understatement. I anticipate that you will counter my argument with the whole “supervised versus unsupervised” defense, but that defense is weak. For example, would you ever put a convicted embezzler anywhere near your money (ever) regardless of whether the person is supervised or unsupervised? No, of course not. So, why did you choose to put a convicted pedophile next to children? You could have utilized this volunteer in any number of other capacities within the Obama campaign, but you choose not to. You choose to put this person in a direct proximity to the children of this community.

As someone running for City Council your judgement and decision making process will potentially have a great impact on the City for years to come. You have shown poor judgment in a situation involving the children of this community. As a mother, former PTO President, Special Education Advisory Committee-person, and former journalist you should have made a more appropriate decision. Why should the people of Charlottesville vote for you now?

Please let me know,


From: Kristin Szakos <>

To: Frank XXXXXX <>

Sent: Sunday, July 6, 2008 2:19:29 PM

Subject: Re: Something Important from Yesterday’s C’ville Farmers Market

Dear Mr. XXXXXX,

Thanks for your concern.+ We were aware of this, and talked with Mr. Sxxxxx in January about it.+ He is never in unsupervised situations that involve kids.

– Kristin.

On Jul 6, 2008, at 11:07 AM, Frank XXXXXX wrote:

Greetings Ms. Szakos,

Yesterday, while at the C’ville Farmers market, I noticed a volunteer at the Obama booth who looked very similar to the man in the included link ( I thought you might want to look into this as the offender in question was convicted of “taking indecent liberties with chlildren.”

While I understand accepting volunteers from all walks of life, it concerns me that a potential registered sex offender is a volunteer at a booth located directly next to one geared to children (a balloon artist).

I am more inclined to support Obama then any of the other presidential candidates, so I wanted to alert you to this potential situation.



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Schilling Show
Rob Schilling is founder of the multi-award-winning Schilling Show Blog and News, proprietor of Schilling Show Media; host of both the Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast and WINA's The Schilling Show heard weekdays at noon; husband; father; worship leader, Christian recording artist and Community Watchdog.


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