Are you feeling shut out by the one-on-one format of the “Tom in your Town” town hall meetings?

Would you like to spend some quality time with Congressman Perriello in an intimate public setting?

Are you not bothered by the presence of Charlottesville City Councilors?

Then we have just the event for you: Join Congressman Tom Perriello and Charlottesville City Council for a public “lunch” meeting at Henry’s Restaurant on the Downtown Mall. Details below:


While conspiring over how to take more money out of your pocket (in order to buy votes for the next election), the Councilmen and Candyman will be dining on your dime. Unfortunately, your meal will be “Dutch Treat.”

P.S. As some may find the conversation (and/or the company)+ revolting, we suggest you bring your own “barf+ bag.”


  1. Rob, a special meeting of City Council and a Congressman in a restaurant and
    not City Hall chambers? Do all media outlets and bloggers know about this?
    Does Henry’s restaurant need the business? Is this a campaign contribution
    in kind? Is there any relevant statute that the public can be excluded
    from a public meeting of City Council and can be applied here.

  2. With the large space in the Market Street garage called City Space sitting there for such uses, why is Council having a public meeting with Tom Perriello in the small space provided by Henry’s Restaurant. The City has often employed Bagby’s to provide great, inexpensive lunches for its meetings and they deliver. Why? Because they don’t want the public there of course.

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