At high noon, on Wednesday, April 1, our regular programming was unexpectedly interrupted when the Charlottesville Department of Disinformation (a long-time nemesis of The Schilling Show) briefly commandeered the WINA studios to institute more balanced programming.

Although it made for an ugly scene, The Schilling Show posse (Rob, Leon, Jay, Faketa, etc.) eventually retook control of the studio by force and physically ejected the interlopers.

Below is the theme song developed by the city’s DOD for use in their short-lived foray into broadcasting known as: “Charlottesville Community Radio.”


  1. Dear Rob, That is a wonderful theme song by the City’s DOD. I think
    I detected a hint of Councillor Huja in the voice background. Of course,
    you know what they say about Huja: “Sikh and you shall find”. Thank
    you and all concerned for resisting the “municipalization of the
    show”. I was afraid that Ric Barrick would be the host. Of course,
    if that were the case, he might actually earn some of his salary.
    I guess the next resistance will be directed against “nationalization
    of the show” by the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court!

  2. Speaking of city workers, what on earth does Maurice Jones do all day? He’s paid a pretty penny to be the Assistant City Manager. Holding that title, does that mean he is qualified to serve as the city manager one day?
    Alos, have you noticed that Overrun O’Connell wants to hire a new position with a pay package of $120,000? Have you noticed that Council and O’Connell differ on the job description of that position? That tells me that O’Connell and Council have no set priorities that need to be done and the staffing required to do it or there is no real need for that position. O’Connell and Council are so used to hiring people they can not resist looking for a reason to hire them.
    Example: in the 1998 – 1999 City Manager’s Proposed Budget, there were 757 City employees (full time) and 756 School Board employees. In the 2002 – 2003 City Manager’s Proposed Budget, there were 891 City employees (full time) and 789 School Board employees. There are now over 900 city employees. Oh, is that the reason the consultants recommended the new position – to hire someone to see if these employees are working or find work for them to do? Do the consultants realize that many of the city employee position are unnecessary, that O’Connell will never get rid of the position until the employee voluntarily leave, O’Connell hires someone to manage? Since so many of the employees take off a couple of hours to listen to your show or take off to work on Habitat housing, would it be cheaper to hire someone to get rid of them or cheaper to get rid of Overrun O’Connell? One thing for certain, as long as Council doesn’t complain, they are assured of getting the votes of the employees, that of their family and that of their friends. What industry in this country hires the most people? Government, of course. Watch out, you may come to work one day to see a sea of city employees in the parking lot.

  3. Rob, in reading CVILLE EYE’s comment about city employment rolls,
    where is DR. FREEZE from the Batman series when we need him? He
    could freeze Charlottesville City Hall. It would make a nice
    ice sculpture and add aesthetic value to an eye and wallet sore.
    Then, we could chip the ice sculpture and throw the pieces away.

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